Loading/Removing Samples from the Solid State Endstation

See the following document for instructions on how to load your sample plate into the solid state endstation vacuum chamber:
Changing Samples for the Solid State Endstation

Remember, when introducing nitrogen to the vacuum chamber in step 7, do this SLOWLY. Doing it too fast risks damaging both the turbo pump and the beryllium windows. Make sure the chamber door is opened around 600 torr, to prevent the pressure in the chamber from exceeding atmospheric pressure.

Once the sample is loaded you can return the sample stage motor positions to Z = 0 and R = 135.

Loading/Removing Samples from the Microprobe Endstation

Under most circumstances, the beamline staff will load/unload samples for the users, due to risks of equipment damage. The user guide for loading samples into the microprobe endstation is provided below:

Microprobe Sample Loading