Latest News and Developments

Beamline Upgrades
July 18, 2024
The solid-state and microprobe endstations at the SXRMB operate under ultra-high vacuum conditions to prevent X-ray photons from losing energy due to interactions with air molecules, ensuring high-quality fluorescence and total electron yield (TEY) data measurements. The venting procedure of the sample chamber is performed manually every time a user changes the sample, which poses a risk of damage to the beamline detectors and Be windows.The project to automate the venting/pumpdown procedure of the sample chamber is currently in progress. This project is aimed to improve beamline efficiency and simplify the data collection process.
Research Highlights
July 4, 2024
Using copper to convert CO2 to methane could be game changer in mitigating climate change
Research Highlights
April 15, 2024
Synchrotron light helps study the past, prevent corrosion in future
Research Highlights
Feb. 1, 2024
Using pulp and paper waste to scrub carbon from emissions
Research Highlights
Sept. 27, 2023
The CLS is hosting an X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Microprobe Workshop. Application deadline for in-person attendees is September 30, 2023. Virtual attendance is also possible.Click here for more information!
Beamline Upgrades
May 1, 2019
The glovebox-integrated XES spectrometer was successfully installed into the inert atmosphere glovebox, and the entire system was successfully integrated into the SXRMB beamline. The technical goals of achieving X-ray emission spectroscopy measurements in the tender energy range of both phosphorus and sulfur at a resolution ~1 eV or better have been clearly demonstrated.  The RIXS and higher energy capabilities (up to Ni K-edge) were also demonstrated using this system.