Glovebox-Integrated X-ray Emission Spectroscopy


X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) probes the occupied electronic levels below the Fermi level, and serves as a complementary technique to X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), offering a more comprehensive understanding of the electronic properties of materials. XES is not influenced by self-absorption effects, thus avoiding some potential experimental artifacts that can occur in fluorescence-detected XAS measurements.

XES is optimized to operate in the tender X-ray energy range of S, P, and Cl as well as transition metals (e.g. Ni and Co). Due to this unique energy range, there has been significant interest in in-situ energy and environmental studies that can benefit from X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES).


  • XES measurements under a He atmosphere in a glovebox
    • O2 content < 1 ppm
    • Moisture content < 1 ppm
  • Simultaneous XAS measurements using a Vortex 4-element detector
  • Capable of measuring the tender energy range of both phosphorus and sulfur, with a resolution of approximately 1 eV or better
  • RIXS and higher energy capabilities (up to the Ni K-edge) have been demonstrated using this system
  • Available for both XAS and XES in-situ experiments
  • Sample wheel motor is able to hold up to 15 samples at the same time



For more information regarding the XES/XAS stations at the SXRMB, please refer to the following paper:

Glovebox-integrated XES and XAS stations for in-situ studies


XES Set-Up.png